Things Dog Groomers Need…

The Eyvils
4 min readJun 13, 2022

My wife Jamie now needs mannequins for Dog Grooming… I need to compare and contrast what I can make vs what can be bought from the store.

My wife Jamie and me finally picked up our rescue dog — Sweetie Pie Baby Eyvil — a 9 year old yorkshire terrier. She has grey, white, brown, and somewhat red hair. She is legally registered as my wife Jamie’s service dog and chipped.

My wife Jamie with our new baby, Sweetie Pie Baby — our service dog.

Sweetie Pie Baby was tortured by the Aryan Right and this included mutilation and starvation. Sweetie Pie Baby’s hair on her ears and tail was pulled out and will not grow back. Otherwise she is expected to make a full recovery according to the vet.

Sweetie Pie Baby’s personality is already starting to shine through and we can see that she is active, alert, loving, loyal, empathetic, etc — and that she will also benefit the most from the “puppy cut” or “teddy bear” cut… similar to our other baby, Rosie Nooms Eyvil — (more on that below).

My wife Jamie first started grooming dogs — and more specifically — yorkshire terriers with our other baby, Rosie Nooms Eyvil… and then my wife Jamie started to do the hair of other yorkshire terriers in the family…

My wife Jamie with our other baby, Rosie Nooms Eyvil (Nooms was stolen from us by law enforcement on Jan 7th 2022)

My wife Jamie has over 20 years of cosmetology experience… and that includes over 36,500 hours of work time and training.

When Rosie Nooms was abandoned with my wife Jamie and me — my wife Jamie started to train herself to do dog grooming.

My wife Jamie always says that the dog’s hairstyle should reflect their lifestyle and personality. Rosie Nooms was a very active puppy and she was very inquisitive — and we hope that she is still that way now.

Since Rosie Nooms was so active my wife Jamie opted for the “puppy cut” also known as the “teddy bear” cut. At the time I didn’t know that it was possible to get mannequin heads so my wife Jamie did the best that she could for Nooms’ first haircut… and it turned out alright — though Nooms wasn’t used to getting haircuts and my wife Jamie wasn’t willing to cut the hair around her ears, neck, or feet (at first).

Eventually — as Nooms became accustomed to haircuts my wife Jamie was able to get the hair around her ears, face, feet, etc and Nooms was able to run free outside and indoors without being stifled by her long flowing hair.

Nooms is a yorkshire terrier and she has thick — somewhat wavy textured hair.

My wife Jamie with our other baby, Rosie Nooms Eyvil — she was stolen from us by law enforcement on January 7th 2022. She was given back to the person that abandoned her with us even though we’d legally registered her as our service dog.

The Dog Groomers “Mannequin Head”…

Hairstylist have mannequin heads — so when my wife Jamie started grooming the family dogs I decided to look into the same sort of thing for her with dog grooming. Stylists need to practice on something whether they’re styling hair for humanoids or canines, etc…

At the time we barely had internet access so I wasn’t aware that it was possible to buy mannequin heads for dog grooming… and I have been inspecting the ones available online and so far they seem really competitive with what I was going to make from a dog mold plush toy and some wigs from the hair store — staples and cutting needed for the wig.

These seem alright but I’m not sure what to do about the different textures of dog hair… If we opt for what I intend to make then my wife Jamie can practice on different hair textures and lengths, etc… This one isn’t going to help for show quality yorkshire terrier hairstyles (and our baby, Sweetie Pie Baby — won’t need any of that — but someone might want proof of the ability to do some for professional membership, etc… so I will keep looking into my design as well)…

I will post some pictures of Sweetie Pie Baby’s haircut here when my wife Jamie does her first haircut… Right now we’ve had her almost a full month and her hair is growing well and is mostly full across her body and legs — though there are some minor patches… and as I said earlier — Sweetie Pie Baby was tortured by the Aryan Right… and that included mutilation and starvation — so she is missing the hair around her ears, and on her tail and that won’t grow back.

The vet expects Sweetie Pie Baby to make a full physical recovery, though she will never be able to breed, etc again (due to bacterial infections, etc).
My wife Jamie and me aren’t breeders and don’t want to be — though we are not opposed to rescuing a pregnant dog if we’re able to find supportive family willing to adopt a pregnant rescue and her puppies (father too if that’s the case).

-Mathias Eyvil

